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Hair like a Parisienne

Oui, oui Paris. In addition to eating croissants and besides enjoying the shining sun in the heart of Paris, one or two glasses of wine will only be served during lunch. Sounds like a perfect city. But It was also a workday (read: shoot) and all of this had to be done in one day and throughout Paris. How does my hair in place all day? Keune’s products helped me through this busy day. Attention:

# 1 Keune Blend Prep Spray

Deep inside, I’m actually just a Parisienne because I don’t use no-frills and curling tongs. Sometimes I use a hairdryer including brush for my hair but in this case, I use a prep spray so that it stays well throughout the day and protects my hair from the heat of the hair dryer brush.

# 2 Keune Blend Volume Powder

To create a bit of ‘Je ne sais quoi’  I put a little volume of powder on my fingertips and massage it through dry hair. The more fixation the more volume! I like that, my hair will be in perfect volume all day.

# 3 Keune Blend Refreshing Spray

Also nice to carry on is Keune’s refreshing spray. This dry shampoo provides refreshment and gives some extra volume. And a very big advantage of this dry shampoo: it does not leave a gray haze. Merci Beaucoup Keune ;-)

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